It is a 6- ha small lake situated in the north-east cape of Utena district, about 4.5 km east of Daugailiai town, near the road leading to Šlepečiai village. The lake is crossed by Šavaša, a left inflow of the river Šventoji. The area of the feeding basin is 9.6 km², the length 0.4 km, average width 0.15 km; the coastline slightly winding of the length of 1 km. The level of water during the year fluctuates on average 120–130 cm.
The lake is drop-shaped, nearby there is Polekniškis village. All the bankside is overgrown with thick bushes, so fishing from the bank is inconvenient. The lakes connect with Šavašas, Karklinis, Pachoma. In the north-eastern part the slope of the bottom goes down into the depth of 18 meters. The dominant depth is 8-7 m. Fish worth going fishing for in Alekniškis are: pikes, breams, tench, carps. Local fishermen told that during Soviet times an 18.0 kg pike was caught by nets. Breams are advisable to be fished using sunbleak, as there happen to be big ones. However, roach and rudds in the lake are small, so not worth wasting neither time nor bait. For catching tench local fishermen advise to use larger bait, steamed corn suits especially well, but rudds annoy the angler a lot.