Kamša hillfort is in the territory of Utena district municipality, south-west of Kamša village (Tauragnai neighborhood). The hill, also called Barsukakalnis (Badger‘s mountain) is situated between fields. The slopes are 4–5m high, their upper part is leveled off upright. The site is oval, 35x20m. The cultural layer was damaged by ploughing. At the northern and western foothills of the hillfort there are remains of an ancient foothill and there has remained the cultural layer of about 20cm in the area of about 0.5ha. In 1980 and 1985 exploratory archaeological research of the hillfort was conducted by archeologists of the Scientific methodological service for protection of cultural monuments. There was found molded brushed and thrown pottery decorated with a wave, and burnt stones. The finds are kept at Utena local history museum. The hillfort dates back to the I millennium – the beginning of the II millennium AD.