A 37- ha lake near Tauragnai town, situated in the trough of Klykiai-Politiškės-Tauragnas. The length (from the west to the east) 2.3 km, average width 0.15 km, coastline 4.8 km. The banks are high and steep, overgrown with forest on the western and southern sides. The greatest depth 23.2 m, average depth 5.5 m, volume of water 3 m.m³. There is a short channel (in dry summers is often dry) connecting the lake to Tauragnas. The name is related to Lithuanian lobas meaning „ravine, hollow, valley“.
Local fishermen catch roach, breams, basses, pikes, and in September, very big bleaks. Ways of fishing and bait do not differ from those in Tauragnas lake and some fishermen keep even two tied boats, one in Labė lake, the other in Tauragnas. The very end of the lake where through a rivulet the surplus water from the lakelets Jauniškis and Labelis (Labeliukas) flows into Labė, the lake is much more shallow. Thus also is the catch: rudds, tench, silver carps. Labė‘s breams after spawning do not bite for about two weeks. But just after the midsummer night, fishing for breams can be really successful.