Paštỹs is a lake in the territory of Utena district municipality near the junction with the territories of municipalities of Rokiškis and Zarasai districts, about 10 km south of Dusetos. The area is 66.8 hectares. The length (from the north-west to the south-east) 2.3 km, the greatest width 0.8 km. The surface altitude 99.2 m. The greatest depth 13.5 m, average depth 5 m. The lake is of glacial trough origin, branched. The area of the basin 1559 km2. The coastline is winding, its length 6 km. The slopes of the bowl of the lake are high and steep, in the north-west and south are wooded. The river Šventoji flows through Paštys, Indraja flows into it; the lake belongs to the basin of Šventoji. The flowage of the lake is about 1560 % (Paštys is one of the most flow-through lakes in Lithuania).
The river Šventoji flows through the lake. Be careful in winter, in the canal ice is constantly washed from below, so it is not strong. Most commonly caught fish: roach, rudds, basses, breams, pikes.
Some fishermen think that the lake is more attractive in winter as you can reach all the fishy places by ice easily. Try to lure big basses from ice by following old fishermen‘s advice. They lay two winter float fishing rods on the ice and put a big earthworm on the hook. If using metallic lure with mosquito larva lets you catch small basses, an earthworm enables to catch a big one. Nearby there are other attractive lakes: Žiegas, Žiegelis, Žvirgždys, Žvirgždelis, Ilgis, Dumblis, Pilašius, Vazajėlis, Duvenas, Duvenėlis.