A 5.6- ha lake, about 1.5 km north-east of the southern bank of Tauragnas lake. Length 0.45 km, average width 0.09 km, coastline 1 km, the greatest depth about 5 m. The lake is overgrowing and slimy. It is abundantly fed with underground water, which is replenished with filtered water from Tauragnas lake. On its bank there lies Stapiejokai swamp, and on the southern bank a marsh with wells. There flows out Pliaušė rivulet which is a hydrographic reserve. The name comes from Lithuanian plauša which means „chip; sedge”. Old fishermen from Daunoriai remember how they used to look forward to the first ice on Pliaušys. It‘s best when it freezes all week long without wind and sleet. Then they wait till the ice becomes at least 5 cm thick. As soon as ice stops, you can hear: „uok, uok”, that is fish is being beaten through the ice. This can be done in the day time, but the catch is bigger in the evening, in the darkness. In summer tench and rudds are caught with a fishing rod. In the second half of the summer big colorful bog grasshoppers are the best bait for rudds.