Šeimatis hillfort with a settlement, Batarėja, is in the territory of Utena district municipality, east of Šeimatis, Tauragnai neighborhood. Accessible from the road Šeimatis–Minčia, at the bridge over the river Žiežulna, 500m through the forest, then to the left north-westward.
The hillfort was built on a hill on the south-western bank of the lake Žiežulinis. The site 26x10m. The slopes are steep, 10m high.
South-east of the hillfort in the area of 1ha there is a foot settlement where brushed and smooth pottery and some iron slag were found.
800m to the south-east there is Paduobiai burial ground dating back to the IVc.-VIII c. (Daunoriai burial ground called Kuronai). The hillfort dates back to the I millennium BC – the beginning of the II millennium AD. The area of the monument territory 3.6ha.