Tauragnai hillfort with a settlement is in the territory of Utena district municipality, south of Tauragnai, Tauragnai neighborhood. Accessible by the highway Tauragnai–Kirdeikiai, going for 750m from the junction toward Lamėstas, 200m to the left northward from the road.
The hillfort was built in the central part of a separate long hill, on the left bank of Šventė river, 120m south of the lake Tauragnas. The site 16x10m. Side slopes are steep, 10-12m high.
The hillfort is damaged by ploughing, the eastern slope is abrading. The site lies waste, on the edges several pine trees grow, the slopes are overgrown with deciduous trees. On the norther and southern sides there are stairs installed.
At the south-eastern foothill in the area of 0.5ha there is a foot settlement where molded pottery was found.
650m to the north-east there is Tauragnai burial ground which dates back to the VIc.-VIIIc., explored in 1999. After archeological explorations the finds are kept in the Lithuanian National Museum. The hillfort has not been explored, dates back to the I millennium – the beginning of the II millennium AD. The area of the monument territory 3ha.