Vitkūnai hillfort with a settlement is in the territory of Utena district municipality, Vitkūnai village, Leliūnai neighborhood. Accessible by the road Pakalniai–Alanta by going 3,9km from Pakalniai, behind the homestead on the right turning left southward and going along a field road 1km on the left in the east.
The hillfort was built on the western, the highest, part of a large prolonged hill. The site 17x15m. The slopes are steep, 17-18m high.
The hillfort is overgrown with deciduous trees.
At the southern, eastern and northern foothills in the area of 6ha there is a foot settlement with an intensive cultural layer. The hillfort dates back to the I millennium – the beginning of the II millennium AD. The area of the monument territory 7.7ha.